About Missouri
Shorthorn Association

Missouri is Shorthorn Country
Missouri is Shorthorn Country is not just a slogan, it is a fact. Many members of the Missouri Shorthorn Association (MSA) have raised Shorthorn cattle for over 100 years. Names like Alden, Hendrickson,
Merideth, Betteridge, Sneed, Naylor, and others have a rich history in the breed and based their business on Shorthorns. The Missouri Shorthorn Association is the glue that binds these breeders. It
provides a common ground for members to gather, share ideas, and promote our breed. Founded in 1945 the MSA not only promotes the breed but also provides support for our future generation of ranchers through the Missouri Junior Shorthorn Association. Our juniors learn the value of hard work, leadership, responsibility, and teamwork as they compete at both local but also national events with the cattle they have raised.
Missouri Shorthorns
Are On The Rise
The interest in Shorthorns has grown rapidly in the last several years. New breeders are coming in and existing ranches are looking to Shorthorns to bring back to their herd the solid structure, easy handling, and maternal traits they are known for. Also, as we bring farm to table end consumers are placing value in the quality of beef with the marbling and yield Shorthorn cattle produce. The MSA has felt this wave greater than anyone. We have had a 50% increase in members along with MSA being ranked as one of the top associations in the nation.

MSA Membership
Membership has its privileges. Members in the Missouri Shorthorn Association enjoy the benefit of having a marketing team promoting their breed. The MSA provides a number of services such as social media, marketing materials, and promotion at trade shows and events. In addition, the greatest service the MSA provides is to give members the platform to sell at our annual state sale. This sale held the last Tuesday in March has enjoyed great success and has reached buyers nationwide. It has been so successful that we have decided to add a second sale the last week of October. Only members can participate in this sale with the majority of the proceeds going back to the consignors as well as donation lots providing revenue for our juniors.
"The Family Friendly Breed"