Become An MSA Industry Partner

The Missouri Shorthorn Association (MSA) wants to offer you the opportunity to be our Industry Partner with our annual directory. We want to partner with your successful business and provide more recognition of your brand through our membership and other industry professionals.
Our updated MSA directory will provide a way for our partners to be seen everywhere that MSA is present. The digital directory will be on our strong social media platform (10,000+ interactions per month), emailed to over 3500 recipients, and posted on our website at The printed version will be available in our MSA display at various fairs and shows and mailed to industry identified addresses. The directory will provide an avenue for breeders, producers, and Industry Partners to connect with potential customers. Funds raised will provide financial support to develop youth activities oriented around Shorthorn and Shorthorn Plus cattle producers and future leaders of our industry. Supporting junior programs keeps our youth involved in agriculture and agri-business ensuring current and future customers for our Industry Partners.
Both purebred and commercial cattle producers have successfully used Shorthorn genetics for their benefit in beef cattle production. In 1872, breeders from nine states formulated the American Shorthorn Association (ASA), striving to provide a service for its members and a way to record ancestry through the registration of Shorthorn cattle. The ASA is one of the oldest American breed organizations in existence today and last year we celebrated 150 years. The current membership has more than 6,000 senior and junior members combined and has grown by roughly 20% over the past couple of years. Missouri association membership has nearly tripled in the last two years. Shorthorns have a deep history in Missouri. Many of our herds are over a century old and still active today. In 1839, Nathaniel Leanord of Ravenswood Farm in Cooper County, brought the first purebred Shorthorn cattle into Missouri. The current MSA charter was established November 11,1984; with the previous charter dating back to May 16, 1945. Missouri Shorthorn Association marketing efforts are at the forefront of the cattle industry. With its significant online presence, MSA has effectively communicated with members and non-members. This has been crucial to the success of establishing our online cattle sales, which are held twice a year. The MSA is one of the first breed organizations to hold multiple production sales per year.
Thank you for your consideration supporting MSA.
We truly appreciate people like you who stand beside us.
Industry Partner Benefits